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We ask that adults do not stand around the classroom doors and stand at least 2 metres back. This helps the school staff to hand over pupils safely at the end of the day.


Please inform us if your child is being picked up by a different adult to usual.



You will receive all messages and reminders from the class teachers along with photographs and school news, dates and general information.


Remember to check our website for forms and other information.


Dojo can be set-up to enable access for all parents, carers and Grandparents.




Regular and punctual attendance is vital to ensure every child achieves the very best that they can. Late arrival is disruptive for the whole class, not just the pupil who has arrived late and will mean that important teaching and now also catch up learning will have been missed.


Please call the office each day your child is absent from school.




We encourage children to drink water regularly. Please ensure a water bottle is brought into school every day, water can be topped up from the water machines. Snacks for break time should be Healthy – fruit, cheese etc. YR, 1 & 2 will receive a piece of fruit in school.



Please ensure correct uniform is worn each day. Shoes must be black – No trainers or sport style shoes. Please help your child and ensure all uniform is clearly named.




Pupils in Y2 and above may wear a watch.




Family Holidays in term-time are not authorised. Exceptional circumstances are limited and any such requests must be put in writing to the Headteacher for consideration. However, these MUST be exceptional e.g. families of service personnel who are back from operational tours, bereavement of a close family member for the funeral service etc




Children in Years 4, 5 & 6 can be issued with Walk Home Alone passes once parental permission has been received via the online form on our website.


Non-School Logo Back Packs


Y5 & 6 ONLY – All other years pupils must have the Hunnyhill logo back pack.



If walking home alone children in Years 4, 5 & 6 can bring a mobile phone into school - BUT it must be handed into the class teacher as soon as they have arrived and then can be collected at the end of the school day.



The school provides all the equipment children will need. Children in years 5 & 6 are allowed to bring in pencil cases from home. Limited to 1 pencil case please





This code sets out the uniform and standard of appearance that the school expects from its pupils.  Governors are responsible for setting the uniform requirements in community schools and in this school we believe that a consistent approach helps to promote a sense of belonging.


The dress code is designed to help children in the classroom environment by preventing distractions and to ensure Health and Safety requirements are met.


The Governing body is very aware of the financial implications of buying school uniform and has therefore ensured that the majority of the uniform items are available at many supermarkets and stores


All pupils are expected to follow the uniform and dress code.  If it now followed a letter will be sent home asking for the problem to be remedied.  Parents and carers are welcome to discuss any problems with the Headteacher.





  • Dark grey school trousers, knee length skirt or pinafore

  • Light blue polo shirt with collar, either  with school logo or plain

  • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo

  • Black shoes with firm fastenings eg: Velcro, laces or buckles.  SORRY, No boots.

  • Coat suitable for bad weather

All items with the school logo are available to order from the Big Wight T-Shirt company.

Optional summer uniform:


  • Blue check dress

  • Grey culottes

  • Grey knee length shorts

  • Black shoes with firm fastenings eg: Velcro, laces or buckles.  SORRY, No boots.

PE Kit list:


  • Green sports t-shirt with school logo

  • Green sports hoodie with school logo

  • Navy blue sports shorts/Navy joggers or leggings

  • Trainers

  • Dark or white socks

  • Green PE socks or dark ankle socks in summer (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6)

  • Water bottle


PE Kits are worn to school on PE days.




​Many children have their ears pierced by parental choice or some for religious reasons.

Hunnyhill Primary school will only allow STUD EARINGS to be worn in school.


Only one earing in each ear is allowed.


The British Association of Advisors and lecturers in Physical Education recommends earrings are removed for all PE lessons to help prevent injury to the child or those around them.  We will however continue to provide tape to cover earrings.


The school accepts no responsibility for loss or damage.



The school expects all pupils to have tidy hair. No sprays, colours, gels or similar hair styling products are allowed.  Long hair must be tied back, boys and girls, with a covered elastic hair band.  Ties and bands must be plain blue or black and have no other ornaments; this is to prevent distraction in the classroom.  No spikes, patterns or logos cut into the hair are allowed.

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Hunnyhill Primary School, Forest Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5SH


Telephone – (01983) 522506
Email –

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