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To contact our SENCO, Mrs C Flawell, please email or phone (01983)522506.


For any complaints regarding SEND, please refer to the schools complaints policy found in the policies section of the website.

IOW Local Offer

The Isle of Wight Council is committed to ensuring that all children and young people aged 0 - 25 have the best start in life.


All families need extra help from time to time. For children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), their differing needs mean varied levels of support are required at different times. Children and young people with the most complex needs and their parents and carers may need access to ongoing support and advice. We aim to provide a range of support so that children and young people with SEND can be educated and enjoy social opportunities alongside their peers, in their local community.


The Local Offer tells you what you can expect to be available for children and young people who have SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) on the Isle of Wight across education, health and social care services. There is a lot of help available and we aim to enable you to get the right support and advice when you need it most.


It is important to remember and acknowledge from the beginning that it is not just the professionals and specialist services that can help you and your familiy. For many people, it is the help of their family and friends, and the support of their community, that is most useful.

Within the Local Offer website there are services that everyone can use, such as the Family Centres, schools, leisure centres and your doctor's surgery. There are also a range of services that can provide very specialist support at times when it is most needed. e.g. drug and alcogol services, mental health etc.


It is a combination of informal and formal support that can provide your family with the help you need most and your child with the best opportunity to realise their potential.


To visit our Local Offer, please go to

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Hunnyhill Primary School, Forest Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5SH


Telephone – (01983) 522506
Email –

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