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Religious Education



The intent for RE at Hunnyhill is entwined with our motto of ‘Proud to Belong’ and our core school values. We follow the Living Differences 4 programme of study which is the Agreed Syllabus for religious education (RE) in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton


RE days promote opportunities for children to develop their own independence, resilience and beliefs to prepare them for participating in the wider world and promoting a sense of social cohesion in the diverse societies we now live in. This sense of teamwork is supported as children gain confidence in their own beliefs whilst accepting and beginning to understand the differing beliefs of others.

As a school, we aim to learn about and through RE to help children to develop their own viewpoints, thoughts and  beliefs. Through a focus on discussion, questioning, listening and responding we hope to promote a culture of understanding, sensitivity and respect for all. Learning is nurtured through engaging and challenging activities with a sense of creativity at their centre. The ethos of RE ensures that everyone in the community can feel proud to belong – at Hunnyhill and as part of the wider community and the world.


In order to implement this vision for RE, the long-term curriculum map has been adapted to better suit Hunnyhill and the context of modern Britain in which we live. Lesson plans have been adapted to ensure they include elements of the school values and a strong focus on creativity and discussion.

Staff are made aware of the collection of evidence within their RE books as well as interactive programmes to collect videos and photos. The books carry on with the children throughout their school career so they can see the development and make links more easily

to prior learning


The use of our school ‘Four from Before’ approach as part of a class discussion, helps children to recall prior learning. A creative approach to recording work means that less pressure is focused on evidence and allows more space for cross-curricular links. The use of photos, artwork and creative elements help to jog children’s memories of previous RE days. This helps to build their positive attitude towards the subject. RE days may include features of art, music, drama, sport and have a strong focus on speaking and listening. This supports pupils in making links between other areas of school and also promotes engagement. The lesson plans include suggestions for activities which promote these skills.

The progression map of skills and knowledge has been written to match the Living Differences curriculum assessment skills. These will be linked to lesson plans to support teachers’ assessment and objectives for the RE day. The golden threads of love, special, belonging and community help to link many of the RE days. These recurring themes help to build a bigger picture and closer links to prior learning.


Pupils have access to a broad and engaging curriculum for RE. They are more confident in their own beliefs and have built confidence to discuss these with others.


They have developed skills in debate and discussion and can carry these out with an overall feeling of respect for those involved. Pupils show a more positive attitude towards RE days. Pupils are able to recall some elements and information they have gained from previous RE days. 


Pupils have more understanding of the religions studied and the way religious people may choose to live their lives. Although they may not share these beliefs, they can recognise how these beliefs may affect their lives in the wider

community and as they prepare for life outside of Hunnyhill Primary School.

Religious Education Vocabulary per year group
Long term Curriculum Map 2024/2025


EYFS looking at the word 'special' in the context of Christianity and particularly special places.

Year 1 
Journeys - This is linked to the journeys Jesus made in his life. The children made sense of the word first by going on their own journey through school. This was linked to the book, 'We're going on a bear hunt'. 

Year 1
Year 1 - Sukkot - This is a Jewish holiday which celebrates the harvest. Sukkot is one of the festivals of celebrated by Jews around the world each year.
The festival lasts for 1 week and gives thanks for a successful harvest. A key part of Sukkot is the sukkah - a temporary dwelling which each family constructs and in which they will spend time during the festival. The sukkah is a reminder of the Exodus and the dwellings made by Moses and his people during 40 years in the wilderness. During the festival meals are taken inside the sukkah and many people choose to sleep there as well.

Year 3

Conscience Alley - Y3 OAK class Class debate – Should a Christian be allowed to wear a cross in our school?​

FYI: A useful technique for exploring any kind of dilemma faced by a character, providing an opportunity to analyse a decisive moment in greater detail. The class forms two lines facing each other. One person (the teacher or a participant) walks between the lines as each member of the group speaks their advice. It can be organised so that those on one side give opposing advice to those on the other. 

Year 3

Year 3 have been looking at the theme of protection within Hinduism. These are called Rahki beads. The children enjoyed exploring the resources and learning about Hinduism.

Year 4

Year 4 studying the last supper.

Year 6
Drama - Y6 WILLOW Class - Salvation. the children were exploring where we might see examples of salvation in modern life and in their lives (helping the homeless, helping someone who is injured, helping someone cross the road)

Year 6
Some year 6 pupils went the Field of Remembrance Church service held at Carisbrooke Castle to represent the school. This linked to our WW2 topic as well. 

Hunnyhill Primary School, Forest Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5SH


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