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Reading Intent


Our core school values lie at the heart of our reading journey.  It is our intent that as children progress through our school, they have the necessary confidence, skills and knowledge at each stage of their reading journey in order to access the wider curriculum and have the necessary tools to access the world in which they live.


We foster an enjoyment of reading so that children are excited to hear, read and enjoy a wide range of books of different genres. Reading for pleasure is promoted and we encourage children to talk widely about the books that they have read. 




  • Enjoys a wide range of books


  • Reads for pleasure


  • Is confident to talk about the books they have read


  • Is confident in their skills for working out unknown words


  • Self-corrects and monitors their own reading to check that they                                                                                                   understand


  • Reads fluently and with expression


  • Clarifies the meaning of words that they don’t understand


  • Makes predictions based on what they have read


  • Is able to transfer their skills in reading lessons to the wider curriculum

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  • The curriculum is planned from the National Curriculum and cumulatively sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build upon what has been taught before.

  • Phonics is taught using the Letters and Sounds programme as a route to decoding new words.

  • Teachers use the Hampshire phased model to plan their reading curriculum.

  • Reading texts are often linked to writing journeys but texts are taught as discrete reading sessions.

  • Discrete reading lessons are taught, which draw on the Hampshire Teaching Reading for Comprehension Toolkit to teach the specific domains and skills required for children to be confident in their understanding of what they have read. This will include texts that they have read for themselves or texts that have been read to them.

  • Through our reading sessions, children have the opportunity to rehearse pace, fluency and expression when reading aloud.

  • Children will have the opportunity to hear adults model good reading through daily story times.

  • Author visits and visits from the school library service

  • Reading at home is promoted through books sent home, online reading, reading awards, reading cafés and parents evening.

At Hunnyhill we have developed our own fiction reading spine.  These fiction texts are based upon key fiction themes and are taught as part of our rich reading curriculum.  These themes run from EYFS up to year 6 in order to give our children a rich bank of story themes, thus enabling and encouraging them to make links between stories.  We supplement our reading spine with additional texts that are linked to our reading spine, our writing journeys and our topic work.


Hunnyhill Primary School, Forest Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5SH


Telephone – (01983) 522506
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