Monday 1st May
Monday is a bank holiday. The school is closed to all pupils.
Tuesday 2nd May
Year 6 Parents: We are offering an after-school SATs information evening for year 6 families on Tuesday 2nd May at 3:05. Please meet at the school office or glass corridor at the playground.
Friday 5th May
King's Coronation Picnic and Celebration of Music
Wear your best party clothes or dress as a King, Queen or Princess for the Day
12.00-12.45pm families are invited to share a celebration picnic on our school field (bring your own picnic and blankets!)
1pm - 3pm musical performances
This is an outdoor event so is weather permitting.
No hot meals will be available on this day. Chartwells are offering a coronation packed lunch which is available to book on ParentPay.
Just a reminder that hooped earrings are not permitted in school. In line with our uniform policy, children should only wear one pair of stud earrings.