At Hunnyhill we aim to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Please can we remind all parents and carers to provide your child with a refillable drink bottle, which they can use in school.
Please do not allow your child to bring PRIME bottles (or similar) to school to use as their drinks bottle during the day.
Bottles must contain water/flavoured water. Fresh drinking water is available in school for children to refill their bottles.
We provide children in years YR-2 with a free healthy fruit snack each day as part of the government's free fruit for schools scheme.
You are also welcome, in all year groups, to provide your child with their own healthy snack from home. This should be fruit, vegetable, cheese etc.
May we also take this opportunity to remind you that school is a nut free zone. We have children and staff with significant nut allergies. Please do not provide your child with anything containing nuts.
Thank you for your support.