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School Day
Children in Years 2-6 must arrive into the school via the back playground from 8.30am. Children in Reception and Year 1 can enter from the front gate from 8.30am. The gates will open at 3.05pm for the end of the school day.


Snack Time

Key Stage 1 children have snack time every day; they receive a piece of fruit through the National Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. Key Stage 2 children are encouraged to bring fruit to eat during their morning break.

Every child has access to a bottle of water throughout the day. There are two water machines available for water bottles to be refilled. Milk is also available at snack time for children under 5 years old.

School Lunches

School lunches are booked via ParentPay ( ). Activation codes are issued via the school office for each child. School dinners should be booked in advance and can be booked until 07:30 on the day. Please contact the admin team with any queries. 

School dinners are provided by Chartwells. (Note, with effect from Sept 2014 –A free school meal will be provided for all children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 for those who want it)

See the lunch menu here: Our Lunch Menu 

If you choose to send your child in with a packed lunch, we encourage parents to choose healthy options.

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Communication with Parents

Class Dojo is the main communication method for Hunnyhill. Parents can private message teachers as well as see the class feed and main school feed where events and important information is posted. Alternatively, please contact the school office via phone or email to make an appointment to see the class teacher.

There will be several opportunities during the school year when you will have the opportunity to come and see how your children learn and also for informal information sessions on a variety of subjects. Information of this will be given through ClassDojo.

We hold 2 parents meetings a year, with appointments available in the early evening. You will also receive a written report at the end of each term. This will incllude your child's attendance. 


Celebration Assemblies are held on a Friday. Celebrations are shared on individual Class Dojo feeds.


Hunnyhill Primary School, Forest Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5SH


Telephone – (01983) 522506
Email –

© 2023 by Hunnyhill Primary School. Proudly created with

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