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Pupil responsibilities

EARA - At Hunnyhill, we have created an Equality and Rights Advocate Group which is a student led organisation who work collaboratively to promote equality and child rights in their schools, based on the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act and the UNCRC. They present to students, teachers, governors and parents in their school communities and come together once a term to share their work and discuss ways forward. The group also are advocates to prevent Bullying within the school and are their to challenge any behaviour they deem is inappropriate and to support their peers. 

At Hunnyhill, we value the contribution of all children and the Junior Governors is one way that any opinions and ideas are heard and feel part of the whole school community.

What are Junior Governors?


Junior Governors are a group of children from years 3-6 elected to represent the views of all children at Hunnyhill Primary School. Junior Governors are responsible for collecting the views and opinions of their class to be discussed during Junior Governor meetings.

How are Junior Governors run?


At the start of the school year, 2 children are elected to represent their class as Junior Governors. Meetings are held once a month during lunchtime with a member of staff and a school governor where representatives give suggestions on behalf of the children in their class. The children feedback to their class of what has taken place during the meeting and ask for any opinions to be brought back to the next meeting.


Our Junior Librarians look after our school library and reading books and also get paid a weekly salary!


Hunnyhill Primary School, Forest Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5SH


Telephone – (01983) 522506
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