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Geography literally means ‘the study of Earth’. At Hunnyhill, we want our learners to become global citizens. We want them to have a strong sense of place and an awareness of their own (and others’) impact on planet Earth.

Our aim is that all pupils will become conscious stewards of planet Earth, with a deep sense of wonder and curiosity about their world.


This ambitious vision will be achieved through:


  • Teaching which ignites this passion within our pupils.

  • Units of Geography are planned with this in the forefront of teachers’ minds.

  • Lessons, which are fascinating, fun and engaging.

  • Children look forward to Geography and lessons have a lasting impact upon them.

  • Additionally, Geography is woven through the curriculum, giving children a global citizen’s view of whatever they are learning about.

  • Teachers will have a clear view of their own place within the school’s vision for Geography.

  • They will be able to easily and confidently assess pupils in the subject and use this to inform their own, and the teachers in subsequent year groups’ planning.

  • Pupils will be able to speak, write and read confidently and passionately about their world from a local to a global scale.

  • They will form their own opinions based on knowledge and carry out their own investigations using their geographical skills.


Hunnyhill Primary School, Forest Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5SH


Telephone – (01983) 522506
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